
First looks: Launch Netcare from Connect Care

Our medical informatics community has been eager to see this for some time! Access to the Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) will be important for Connect Care clinicians, as there remains a wealth of clinical information in the provincial Electronic Health Record (EHR) for years to come.

ANP can be accessed from any chart opened within the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) by an authorized provider. Although the final details of the user experience continue to be tweaked, the basic idea can be appreciated from a short demonstration video, linked below.

Note that the launch is "single-sign-on" in that the user is not challenged to re-enter logon credentials. The launch is also "in context" because the correct patient chart is loaded and viewed in an activity tab within the open Connect Care chart.

This function will not be available in pre-production environments, as it depends upon an authorized provider ID and a shared patient identifier. Still, coming soon!