Medical Informatics Leads (MIL), Provincial Physician Trainers, Physician Area Trainers and Super Users will all be aware of opportunities to preview, review and help with the e-learning modules contributing to upcoming Connect Care physician training tracks.
We hope to emulate the full training experience. A key component involves mandated completion of basic privacy awareness training, then attesting to an online "Confidentiality and User Agreement" (CUA), as a condition for gaining access to Connect Care online training environments. The attestation must be satisfied before the user can complete an "End User Proficiency Assessment", required to progress from Basic to Personalization training.
It was expected that all physician leads would be able to complete privacy awareness training through "InfoCare - On our Best Behaviors" by this time. However, the e-learning module has suffered technical challenges in early exposures. This mostly relates to embedded audio and video, which has since been trimmed. In addition, more testing is needed to prepare clear instructions for physicians participating in e-learning outside of AHS networks. The CMIO is helping to render tip-sheets attuned to the circumstances of users of non-Windows devices and internet browsers.
We now expect InfoCare availability sometime next week, before the end of June. You can access and complete the course through List available courses, use "InfoCare" as a search term, and self-register.
We would be most grateful if all physician informaticians could try InfoCare as soon as it becomes available. Please send feedback to and we will collate physician comments, technical problems and work-arounds.