
Demos - Protecting Intellectual Property

Some of our medical informatics leads are producing excellent demonstration videos; a great way to share Connect Care tips with colleagues. These are especially useful when specialty build is not covered in Basic Training or Personalization Workshops.

The CMIO portfolio is eager to support those who wish to contribute in this way. A secure and approved video repository is available at demos.connect-care.ca. The demonstrations stored there can be linked and highlighted other locations and documents. The important thing is that the videos are protected. They cannot be seen without a valid Connect Care userid and password.

Privacy and Property Protection Reminders:

  1. Never make recordings of Production environments. The risk of inadvertently exposing personal health information is high.
  2. Never post demonstrations outside the tools provided by CMIO or Connect Care. Physicians must ONLY use demos.connect-care.ca. At this point, no other posting venue is approved.
Connect Care is committed to protect Epic intellectual property. The CMIO demos site is approved by Epic. Assume that nothing else is approved unless documented in a formal record of understanding with both AHS and Epic.

How to Post Demonstration Videos:

There are some simple tricks to producing demos that are dimensioned and compressed to be useful to most users. The CMIO portfolio arranges short sessions with interested authors to share video editing tips and secure upload process. Committed physicians can become editors on the demonstration site. Get in touch with cmio@ahs.ca